Top Tips to Improve Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Improve Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising to optimize your digital marketing budget and connect with your target audience.
Setting Your Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Up for Earned Media Success
Earned media is tough to predict and tougher to control. But the benefits to your addiction treatment center marketing are invaluable!
4 Tips to Incorporate YouTube into Your Social Media Strategy
Incorporating YouTube into your addiction treatment center’s social media strategy not only helps you connect with and educate patients, it also boosts your SEO. Here are four ways to get started.
4 Reasons Your Addiction Treatment Center Needs a Content Marketing Strategy
Still marketing like it’s 1999? We have four reasons why addiction treatment content marketing isn’t the future of marketing. It’s the now!
Google Addiction Treatment Resources: How Recover Together Can Help
Recover Together, Google’s addiction treatment resource hub, is a valuable asset for those searching for substance abuse guidance. Today we’re discussing four ways Recover Together helps connect people with treatment and recovery education to help them and their loved ones get the care they need.
3 Key Marketing Metrics Every Behavioral Health Center Needs to Track in 2023
With dozens of addiction treatment center marketing KPIs to choose from, it can be hard to select the best ones to measure your campaigns’ performance. Today we’re sharing 3 top KPIs to help you evaluate your strategy and make the most of your marketing budget.