Internet Marketing Myth #8: I Only Need to Build A Website Once And Then Never Again
Moore’s law states that computing power will continue to double every 18 months for at least the next two decades. With the increase in computing power, the more devices we choose to have and the faster all these things happen make the life of a website anywhere between six months and two years, depending on your industry and competition
Currently, first-person images made from mobile devices have become much easier to obtain, making them more prominent in website design. With more than 64% of Americans owning a smartphone and 34% of all internet users, using their smartphone as their primary device to access the internet, your website also needs to be mobile-friendly and have the latest technology to remain relevant and continue to generate revenue for your business.
A good rule of thumb is that a website re-design should be performed at least every 12 months, with a completely new website built every two years.[ult_buttons btn_title=”Access the full ebook, ”Top 13 Myths in Addiction Treatment” here” btn_link=”url:%2Fresources%2Ftop-13-internet-marketing-myths-in-addiction-treatment%2F|||” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#002b55″ btn_bg_color=”#f2f5f7″ btn_bg_color_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_title_color_hover=”#f2f5f7″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#f2f5f7″ btn_color_border_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”0″ btn_font_family=”font_family:Zilla Slab|font_call:Zilla+Slab|variant:italic” btn_font_style=”font-style:italic;” btn_font_size=”desktop:20px;” el_class=”button_drop-shadow”]