Your marketing materials may portray your addiction treatment center as caring and professional. However, if people call your rehab facility and they don’t sense that caring and professionalism in your phone demeanor, the obvious disconnect they will experience can seriously jeopardize the likelihood that such calls will turn into admissions.
Be Conscious of Your Phone Demeanor
“Calm, caring and professional” should always describe your personality on a phone call. This should never change, regardless of the caller’s personality. How you sound on your first call of the day should sound very much like your final call of the day.
At any given time, this advice will be put to the challenge. Some days the calls may be easy. Other days, they may be a real test of your patience. With time, however, your ability to stay level-handed and unfazed by a hostile or difficult caller means your days will be less stressful and you’ll be far more confident in your job.
Clear communication must always be the objective when you’re on the phone. Anything that gets in the way of this objective is counterproductive. For example, be careful to avoid speaking in any clinical jargon. In fact, few people outside of a medical or rehab setting know what a treatment “modality” is. The very last thing you want to do is confuse people on the phone with unfamiliar terms. Everything you say needs to be easily understood by the caller.
Your phone demeanor isn’t determined by the tone of any particular call that comes in. It’s determined by your skills and ability as a speaker. Calm, caring and professional will always work well for you when you pick up that phone.
Is increasing admission rates a top priority at your addiction treatment center? If so, you should download Dreamscape Marketing’s Whitepaper entitled “10 Things You Should Know Before Answering the Phones at a Drug Rehab Center.” This exclusive whitepaper is required reading for any addiction treatment center that wants to improve conversion rates.